We work together to


Learn about current immigration issues


Act in ways that center our collective humanity


Advocate for equitable policies for all people regardless of immigration status

We are educators, researchers, families and community leaders working together to learn from and advocate for all people regardless of immigration status.


 Take a look at our latest work

Webinar | Supporting Immigrant Students in PK-12 NYS Schools

This CUNY-IIE webinar will delve into how schools and districts are creatively staffing positions that enhance their ability to support immigrant-origin students and families.

PreK-12 Immigration Literature Guide

The guide features a carefully curated collection of 100 recently published PreK-12 books that showcase the transformative power of immigration-centered stories. Each section highlights authors to showcase the people behind the stories, and also provides book summaries, discussion questions and multimodal resources to foster deep and complex classroom conversations.

Know Your Rights FAQ

This page offers commonly asked questions and answers for educators, schools, and districts, as well as for students, families, and community members, in connection to the restrictionist immigration measures imposed by the Trump administration.

We encourage our community members to learn and exercise their rights.

Policy Brief | Enhancing Educational Equity for Immigrant Students In New York State

This CUNY-IIE policy brief outlines actionable steps for policymakers and educational stakeholders to advance equity for immigrant-origin students, their families, and the educators who interact with them in New York State schools and districts.

Not Too Young: Immigration in Elementary School Video Series

A three-part video series that provides information and illustrates that teaching about immigration needs to happen as early in students’ schooling as possible. Watch the videos here.


Comprehensive Educator Modules

CUNY-IIE has worked together with educators and community members to create professional development modules around the Supporting Immigrants in Schools Video Series videos: Key Immigration Issues, Immigration in Elementary Schools, Immigration in Secondary Schools, and Refugees and Immigrants in Schools. Each module features a set of activities and guides to help educators learn, act, and advocate in the classroom.

Aspiring UndocuEducators’ Guide to Self-Advocacy

This 3-part guide serves as a tool for undocumented students’ self-advocacy, as they consider how inclusive and supportive educational programs are to undocumented students. Download the guide here.