External Resources
These are resources and organizations that can provide additional information and support for immigrants in NYS.
Legal Services
Covid-19 Support
Non-Citizen's Guide to Entrepreneurship
Mental Health Resources
Mental Health Report
This report will benefit organizations that are trying to implement incentives/policies in their city to support the undocumented community. Page 25 talks about policy recommendations, such as including $13 million in the FY2021 city budget to expand Care to more immigrant serving communities. This is done by citywide campaigns encouraging folks to seek mental health services without fear of eligibility and other requirements. Page 35 explains the challenges immigrants face and how to help people feel comfortable seeking treatment and services. Page 36 lists the six research initiatives on how to approach this issue.
This report is also directed at educators who can support students and children in schools by advocating and demanding more training and orientations to all staff on the impact of immigration policies on individual students and families. Page 21 explains how there’s an increased demand in services for immigrant children. Also, there’s a limited amount of mental health services in schools.
Mental Health Support: Social Media
@Decolonizingourhealing This page provides mental health awareness for people of color by a person of color. Ravina is a therapist-poet. This page holds space for anyone who needs to share their feelings about what is happening in their surroundings. Recently started IG lives with other mental health clinician and therapists. Racism and hate is not welcome. Gives words of advice and how to navigate through mental health symptoms.
@browngirltherapy This page provides mental health therapy for children of immigrants. Sahaj Kohli is a writer and therapist in training, and daughter of Indian immigrants. Kohli is creating a newsletter, creating inquire and free mental health content weekly, and starting to work on launching digital workshops and meetups. Specializes in mental health sources and accessibility, identity exploration and the stigmatization of therapy in our communities.
@themshealth (LGBTQIA+ focused) Trrelink has BIPOC, LGBTQIA and other organization funds/projects to donate to. Post are very inclusive to queer and BIPOC who need mental health counseling. Connected with @fearlessfemme100 to offer free peer mental health counseling to Trans/Queer Black and Indigenous people. Shares many resources and hosts IG lives with other folks to talk about pronouns, host meditations sessions, yoga gatherings, emphasizes climate and social justice, self care and so much more.