At this event, CUNY-IIE’s UndocuEdu team amplified conversations about the experiences, challenges, and needs of aspiring and in-service immigrant and undocumented educators. We also shared resources to support and guide immigrant and undocumented students pursuing a career in education. Participants joined us for meaningful dialogue and to engage in workshops on opening pathways for immigrant educators!
This event prioritized the participation of directly-impacted college students, students who plan to work with immigrant communities, university/college education program faculty, and higher education administrators.
Wednesday, April 19th
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
CCNY Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, Floor 7, New York, NY 10004
(Across from the charging bull statue)
Sara P. Alvarez, Interim Co-Principal Investigator, CUNY-IIE
Nancy Stern, Co-Principal Investigator, CUNY-IIE
Juan Carlos Mercado, Dean of the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies, CCNY Center for Worker Education
Tatyana Kleyn, Principal Investigator, CUNY-IIE
Ross Garmil, Supervisor of Educational Programs, Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBEWL) at NYSED
Carlos Pérez Valle, Project Researcher, CUNY-IIE
This panel described the experiences and challenges facing immigrant, particularly undocumented, students in the field of education. The panel provided a policy landscape impacting current and aspiring undocumented educators in New York State. Panelists spoke to the importance of providing equitable and quality education to all students.Speakers:
Carlos Pérez Valle, Project Researcher, CUNY-IIE
Guadalupe Ambrosio, Associate Investigator, CUNY-IIE
Isamar Jimenez-Vazquez, Project Researcher, CUNY-IIE
Laura Pamplona, Project Researcher, CUNY-IIE
This panel presented existing programs and practices carried out by higher education institutions and government agencies to address the challenges immigrant and undocumented educators face. Panelists described the experiences immigrant educators navigate to access career opportunities. The panel also entailed a discussion on recommendations that education stakeholders could implement to open up and improve pathways for immigrant educatorsModerator:
Cynthia Carvajal, Director of Undocumented and Immigrant Student Programs, CUNY
Ashleigh Thompson, University Dean for Education, CUNY
Charlene Clarke, Executive Director, Multilingual & Immigrant Student Supports, New York City Department of Education
Sergio Leon, student and aspiring educator, Brooklyn College
Xin Yi Li, Student and Immigrant Ambassador, Brooklyn College
Keynote Speaker
Areli Morales, CUNY Brooklyn College graduate and author of Areli is a Dreamer
Workshop 1
Supporting Undocumented Students in Higher Education (Open to faculty and administrators)In this professional development workshop, higher education administrators and faculty came together, learn, and engage with UndocuEdu’s rubric to evaluate the undocu-friendliness of their education programs and brainstorm how to engage and champion immigrant students.
Isamar Jimenez-Vazquez, Project Researcher, CUNY-IIE
Laura Pamplona, Project Researcher, CUNY-IIE
Workshop 2
Leading the Way: Introduction to Self-advocacy as Undocumented Education Majors (A closed space for directly-impacted folks)Participants learned how to use UndocuEdu’s Aspiring UndocuEducators’ Guide to Self-Advocacy to understand the criteria they should take into account when selecting an education program. They also got familiar with the checklist and questions to ask a potential education program and/or other higher education program.
Roxana Herrera, Project Researcher, CUNY-IIE
Workshop 3
Student to Student: Working and Supporting Immigrant Youth in High Schools and Youth-serving Organizations
This workshop was ideal for educators, administrators, community organizers, and anyone who works with undocumented youth in high school or college settings. Drawing on the expertise and experience of the NYS Youth Leadership Council, this workshop offered practical insights and real-world examples of successful programs and initiatives that have been implemented to support undocumented youth. Participants came away with a deeper understanding of the issues affecting this population, as well as practical tools and strategies for creating a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.
Aldo Robledo, Education Fellow, NYSYLC
Maria Vera, Community Organizer, NYSYLC
Juan Carlos Perez, high school teacher and Immigrant Liaison, International High School at Union Square
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